The talk comes in the context of the beginning of one of the most important political periods in China, the so-called Two Sessions.
Podcast: Bajar
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The diplomat underlined that out of the 45 years in bilateral ties the last 10 were the most intense. On the interview with China Radio International he assures:
“..we clearly have two stages, the first 35 years were of very little activity, and the last ten were the most intense, not only for Argentina but for most of the world. Today, China is the main trade partner for over 120 countries, in an extraordinary dimension that includes 130 million tourists that China contribute to the world, and are the largest tourist flow globally".
Guelar is a lawyer that has been in charge of some of the most important embassies for Argentina: European Union, Brazil and the US.
Under the administration of president Mauricio Macri, Guelar was appointed in 2015 to another strategic post: the Argentine embassy in Beijing.

Etiquetas: China, Diego Guelar, Rae Argentina to the world, The Talk