ARGENTINA The National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Association of Modulated Frequencies of Entre Ríos (AFMER) signed a framework agreement for collaboration and […]


THE KUELGUE "View master" A group from Buenos Aires City that started as a joke among friends in 2004. With a musical style that is […]

The news of the week in Argentina and the region: COVID-19 situation deteriorates in the country with record number of cases amid a risk of […]

COVID in Argentina

President Alberto Fernández announced on Wednesday on a televised message, that Argentina "has entered the second wave of the pandemic". From Olivos Residence, he informed […]

We begin today's edition with news for diexists. In particular, we will report on the frequencies and broadcasting schedules of a series of clandestine radio […]

The latest news from Argentina and the region: record number of cases in the country as more restrictions are introduced, a new anniversary of the […]

The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projected that, by the end of June, the pandemic could have claimed the lives of […]

The Argentine government acknowledges movement restrictions are being considered The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, said that "some recommendations and national measures are being discussed", […]


A production by Hernán Espejo for RAE Argentina to the World   JOSE UNIDOS "The possibility". José Unidos is the stage name of the ambitious […]

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